Only in Rhode Island: Bachelorette Party Edition

As i sit here STILL recovering (#ThisIs29) from a bachelorette party i helped plan a few weekends ago i thought it would be a great idea to relive it and maybe help anyone having to plan an upcoming bachelorette with some ideas.  The Bachelorette who we celebrated is my BFF Talia (i’m her maid of honor; she is mine!)  All of the best people gathered at my friend Brigid’s beach house for an amazing beach weekend.  In perfect Ocean State fashion we spent the majority of our Saturday soaking up the sun, laughing, sipping on some adult beverages and celebrating Tal.  When we returned to the house we had some surprises in store for her.  We asked everyone to not only bring a, “fun salad” of their choice for a potluck but also a pair of underwear for Tal for the, “panty game” (thanks Pintrest.)  Later that night we had a great time at the Coast Guard House in Narragansett. Take a look at some of the fun below and definitely share any fun ideas for a Bachelorette party you’ve attended or are planning.


We made, “signature drinks” for the Bachelorette party.  Above you’ll see that we named them based on the bride & groom.  The bride is Talia (hence Sweet, “T”.)  The drink was firefly vodka and iced tea.  The, “ginny Reynolds” was based on the groom (Jim Reynolds) and was basically a gin bucket: gin, sprite and lots of lemons and limes.  I got the dispensers at Christmas Tree Shop and i bought the signs with a special marker at A.C. Moore.  


These fun cups held all of our favorite adult beverages.  I’m not sure if you can see it but each came with a chalkboard-type plate.  Inside each mug were corresponding colored ice cubes and chalk!  Super cute for a party favor.  I got these at A.C. Moore (on clearance!)


Have you ever heard of the, “pantie game” played at bachelorette parties?  Basically all of the party go-ers buy a pair of undies they think that the bride would like.  They’re then hung up (we were lucky to have a clothesline but if the party’s homebase is a hotel room or an apartment or in a confied space- just lay them out on a bed or couch or something.)  The bachelorette then needs to identify who brought what panty…we added in that if she gets it wrong she has to drink!  In the end the bachelorette ends up with a whole bunch of new panties!


These were also amazing party favors for the party guests!  Who doesnt need a good elastic?!  My friend Shana got these on Etsy.


A party is definitely not a party without a selfie stick!



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