Valentino Photography Shares Wedding Photo Tips

Smile! Your Grandkids will be looking at these!

Important Considerations for Your Wedding Photography provided by Valentino Photography 
1. Time is a crucial factor to getting the best possible photos. Don’t schedule your day too tightly. Allow a little “fudge factor,” as delays will happen that you can’t predict.
2. Take sunset times into consideration when planning. The best light for photos is about 1.5 to 2 hours before sunset. However, if your date is in late September or October, it’s dark by 6:00PM!
3. Make rainy day plans for your formal photos. Many popular locations such as the State House, Lippit House, and the Temple at Roger Williams Park book up months in advance. New England weather is unpredictable.
4. Make a list of the photo groupings that you want and give it to your photographer in advance. You might not remember you want a photo with Aunt Mary during your busy wedding day, but your photographer will ensure he/she doesn’t miss it.
5. Refrain from heavy consumption of alcohol before and during the formal photo session. The influence of alcohol will have a negative effect on the expressions and look of your photographs.
6. Brides: Professionally applied make-up is well worth the expense. It will last all day, highlight your best features, and cover imperfections. When choosing a hair style, take the wind and humidity into consideration. Long tendrils around the face, will end up in your eyes or adhering to the lipstick on your mouth. Not pretty in photos. Also, refrain from using face/body glitter or sparkles. In photos, they will appear as white spots.
7. Consider having your formal photos taken prior to the ceremony (First Look). This will allow you to join the cocktail hour and the party, immediately. If you are having both the ceremony and reception at the same site, this option will relieve much of the stress and time crunch.
8. Pinterest: We all love the inspiration from Pinterest pins and it’s okay to ask your photographer to replicate a couple of pins that you love. However, allow your photographer the creativity to work with you and your venues. In replicating too many images from Pinterest, you will loose the essence of your wedding. Remember, you chose your photographer because you loved their style!
9. Flowers: Brides – When choosing your bouquet, bigger is not always better. Ask your florist to make one that you can hold comfortably in one hand. If you are small, select one that will not overpower you. You are the star, the bouquet should compliment you!
10. Don’t sweat the small stuff! No one will know if the flowers aren’t the exact color pink you chose. Relax and enjoy your day!

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